MYP 2024 is taking place September 18th, 2024 at The Prairieland Park Event Center in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
This year’s conference will include a great line-up of speakers, Community Rooms to interact on topics of interest, and above all, a lot of great networking and connection.
We’re thrilled to announce that Christine Dagenais will be this year’s keynote speaker. Christine is an award-winning leader, excelling in leadership development including work as a mentor, author, and entrepreneur. Stay tuned for more updates on Christine and her engaging talk. Meantime, check out her web page here.
The conference will include incredible opportunities for networking, panel discussions, and break-out sessions. Topics include collaboration, personal growth and professional development, team building, and more.
In the hybrid format, we offer you the option of participating in-person or joining the sessions virtually. Networking with in-person attendees and participating in the session discussions will not be available in the virtual format.
As a reminder, you will want to sign up for the industry tour as soon as possible – space will be limited. The industry tour is new to the conference this year and we’re excited to offer the opportunity of touring the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron.
You don’t have to be a WiM/WiN-SK member to attend the conference, though we highly encourage you to become a member! (Membership is free, just click here). We welcome all gender expressions to join us as members and attend our conferences and events as diversity makes us and industry better.
Register Here!