Women in Mining and Women in Nuclear Saskatchewan Inc. (WIM/WiN-SK) is a non-profit, volunteer based organization focused on connecting and inspiring a diverse workforce in the Saskatchewan Mining and Nuclear industries.
Driving growth through parity.
We inspire, connect, and support a diverse and inclusive workforce in the Saskatchewan mining and nuclear industries.
As our Mission and Vision states, we are dedicated to providing support and awareness to both professionals and companies to create a supportive network to attract, retain and grow the number of women in the Mining and Nuclear industries. Our organization and members are key players in the implementation of initiatives that improve gender equality, and foster the professional development of women in the mining and nuclear industries.
We are conscious and aware of the challenges faced by underrepresented groups and the opportunities to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Saskatchewan mining and nuclear industries.
We are a reputable advocate and trustworthy facilitator for equity, diversity, and inclusion conversations in the Saskatchewan mining and nuclear industries.
We actively engage with volunteers, partners, sponsors, and like-minded organizations to execute our mission and work towards achieving our vision of driving growth through parity.
We follow through on our commitments and promises to our volunteers, partners, sponsors, and like-minded organizations and encourage the same in our stakeholders as we all work towards parity.
We are taking action to inspire, connect, and support the next generation of equity champions and allies to join us on our journey towards a diverse and inclusive workforce in the Saskatchewan mining and nuclear industries.