Saskatchewan Mining Week is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of our mining industry to Saskatchewan residents, Canada and the world and you are invited to participate in this celebration. We encourage you to use Mining Week to increase public awareness of our industry and the many positive contributions we make to the provincial and national economies. Let’s work together to make sure our neighbors know that Saskatchewan is a national and global mining powerhouse.

Our keynote speaker will be Prabha Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer of WESK, formerly Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc.
Prabha is passionate about driving change to close the gender entrepreneurship gap. In her current role, Prabha is responsible for the strategic and operations management of the organization. Leading an organization with over 1000 members, the organization offers a breadth of programs and services to support women start, grow and scale their business.
With a Masters of Social Work in Community Development, Policy and Planning, Prabha has a diverse career spanning 28 years. Previously, Prabha was the CEO of the Certified General Accountants (CGA) Association of Saskatchewan and had served in that capacity for seven plus years. Prabha was a key player in leading the organization through the Unification of the Accounting Profession, bringing together the three accounting bodies namely, Certified General Accountants, Certified Management Accountants and the Chartered Accountants as Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA). She was conferred an honorary CPA by the Board of Governors of the Certified General Accountants for her role in the unification of the profession in SK.
Prabha served as the first President of the Leaders Council of the Paul J. Hill and the Kenneth Levene Schools of Business at the University of Regina and currently serves as a member of the Paul Hill Advisory Board, University of Regina.
A supporter of entrepreneurship, Prabha serves as a Judge for some of the community’s Business Awards, JDC West (Business Schools Case Competition for Western Canada) and was also a Prairie Regional Judge for the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Prairie Award 2015-2018. As an active member of Board of Directors for the Saskatchewan Housing Authority, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and the Women's Enterprise Organizations of Canada (WEOC), Prabha continues to be engaged in the community and Province.
Prabha’s career has included leading organizations through change for strategic growth, achievement of vision/mission and competitive positioning. Driven by the principle “begin with the End in mind” Prabha is passionate about defining a Vision and steering the organization in the right direction. Fueled by the spirit of “doing the right thing” Prabha embraces courage and integrity as a leader.
Prabha’s presentation will focus on the landscape of women entrepreneurs in Canada and Saskatchewan, highlight findings of the newly commissioned WESK Report “Women Entrepreneurship in Saskatchewan” and its implications for our province. In addition, the presentation will address impact of COVID on WESK’s stakeholders and clients and programs and strategies to support economic recovery.”
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