Join us on Tuesday, March 23 to learn about a multi-year study on how to retain women in Saskatchewan's engineering and mining industries!
Today, women account for only about 16% of the workforce in Canada's mining industry. The mining industry faces labour shortages as a significant proportion of its workforce approaches retirement age. Female participation in STEM fields such as engineering has remained stagnant, with women currently only accounting for 14% of practicing licensed engineers in Canada.
Join Jocelyn Peltier-Huntley to learn about a study she's spearheading to explore how the industry can tap into underrepresented groups, including women, to fill projected labour gaps and help solve other industry challenges.
This study explores how creating allies in the workplace can drive gender equity and support a necessary culture shift to inclusivity and diversity in Saskatchewan's mining industry.

Jocelyn Peltier-Huntley is a professional engineer and Women in Mining and Women in Nuclear Saskatchewan (WIM/WiN-SK) volunteer. Jocelyn has spent over 15 years of her career working at Canadian mine sites and is now expanding her social impact potential through her PhD research, volunteering, and with her own company, Prairie Catalyst Consulting. With WIM/WiN-SK, Jocelyn is the Vice-Chair of the board, and Chair of the Mentorship committee. Jocelyn’s PhD project continues on her Master of Science research on equity in mining and engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. Jocelyn also has a B.Sc. with distinction in Mechanical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Interdisciplinary studies, both completed at the University of Saskatchewan. Learn more about Jocelyn’s research at
During the global pandemic, Jocelyn founded Prairie Catalyst Consulting ( Her vision with Prairie Catalyst is to lead and inspire positive change. She is driven to create awareness and remove roadblocks so that all individuals and organizations can realize the benefits of inclusion and achieve the full potential of diversity. Jocelyn loves to help others by investigating problems, translating for common understanding, and implementing practical solutions to these problems.
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