In our increasingly competitive and technologically connected business world, it is more important than ever to take steps to control and manage your professional reputation both online and off. Client referrals, repeat business, judgement on your abilities and access to opportunities are hugely influenced by your reputation, but most people do not take the necessary steps to control the story that is being told. In this Lunch and Learn Daria touched on a list of simple steps you can take to get your personal brand and professional reputation tuned up.

Daria Malin is the owner of Boost Strategic Coaching and author of the book Hands-On Marketing; The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Advertising and Branding. Daria is an advisor who works alongside business owners and professionals to line up their sales, marketing, and branding. She becomes the “co-pilot” in their business as they work toward their goals, becoming a trusted source of support, guidance, and accountability. Daria spent almost 20 years, in media advertising, holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan, and is a graduate of The Wizard Academy Nontraditional Business School in Austin, Texas.
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