Saskatchewan Mining Week is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of our mining industry to Saskatchewan residents, Canada and the world and you are invited to participate in this celebration. We encourage you to use Mining Week to increase public awareness of our industry and the many positive contributions we make to the provincial and national economies. Let’s work together to make sure our neighbors know that Saskatchewan is a national and global mining powerhouse.
Women in Mining and Women in Nuclear Saskatchewan are pleased to invite you to our annual Saskatchewan Mining Week Networking Event!
5:00pm – 5:45pm Guests arrive – Networking (bar open and appetizers available)
5:45pm – 5:50pm Opening Remarks, Welcome, Introduction of Speaker
5:50pm – 6:35pm Guest Speaker Presentation
6:35 pm – 8:00pm Networking (bar open and appetizers available)

Our keynote speaker will be Pam Schwann, President of the Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA).
Pam Schwann is the President of the Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA), an industry-funded organization, whose members are global leaders in the safe and responsible exploration and production of a diversity of commodities in the province, including potash and uranium. She has held this position since 2008.
Pam has a Bachelor of Science, Honours – Geology from the University of Regina and a Master of Science from Carleton University in Ottawa. She is a registered member of APEGS. Prior to joining the SMA, Pam held progressively senior positions in the Government of Saskatchewan, including 8 years working in northern Saskatchewan as resident geologist and 2 years with Northern Affairs liaising with indigenous communities, government and the mining sector.
Pam currently serves on the Board of Western Canada Testing Inc. (WESTEST), and has previously served on the Board of SaskPolytechnic, including 2 years as Chair and on the Board of Innovation Saskatchewan.
Pam's presentation will focus on ‘Mining: Supporting Local and Global Communities’. Saskatchewan’s mining industry is a global and national leader in the mining sector and is a major contributor to the provincial economy. Recently the Saskatchewan Mining Association commissioned MNP to conduct a study of the economic and social contributions of the Saskatchewan mining industry. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of the industry to government and other stakeholders.
We hope you are able to join us!