Saskatchewan Mining Week is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of our mining industry to Saskatchewan residents, Canada and the world and you are invited to participate in this celebration. We encourage you to use Mining Week to increase public awareness of our industry and the many positive contributions we make to the provincial and national economies. Let’s work together to make sure our neighbors know that Saskatchewan is a national and global mining powerhouse.
For this annual Saskatchewan Mining Week Networking Event, our keynote speaker was Minister Eyre, Minister of Energy and Resources and Minister responsible for SaskWater and SaskEnergy.

Bronwyn Eyre was elected MLA for Saskatoon Stonebridge-Dakota in the 2016 provincial election. Bronwyn has served Saskatchewan as Minister of Education, Minister of Advanced Education, Minister responsible for the Status of Women and Vice-Chair of Treasury Board. On February 2, 2018, she was appointed Minister of Energy and Resources and Minister responsible for SaskWater and SaskEnergy.
Export event